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jQuery File Upload in AngularJS


I'm trying to upload a file with jQuery File Upload in combination with angularJS.

I have a multistep form, this are 2 steps of my multistep form:

<div ng-switch="step"><div ng-switch-when="1"><h1>Identity</h1><form name="steponeForm" data-file-upload="options" enctype="multipart/form-data" novalidate autocomplete="off"><input type="submit" ng-click="next(steponeForm.$valid)" value="next" /><br><span class="button fileinput-button" ng-class="{disabled: disabled}"><input type="file" id="fileupload" name="files[]" multiple=""></span><button type="button" class="btn btn-primary start" data-ng-click="submit()"><span>Start upload</span></button><input ng-model="application.lastName" string-pattern required type="text" placeholder="{{ 'Last name'|translate }} *" name="appname" id="appname" /><div ng-show="steponeForm.$submitted || steponeForm.appname.$touched"><div class="error" ng-show="steponeForm.appname.$error.required">Last name is required.</div><div class="error" ng-show="steponeForm.appname.$error.stringPattern">Doesn't look like a text.</div></div><input type="submit" ng-click="next(steponeForm.$valid)" value="next" /></form></div><div ng-switch-when="2"><h1>Studies</h1><form name="steptwoForm" novalidate autocomplete="off"><input type="submit" ng-click="previous()" value="previous" /><input type="submit" ng-click="next(steptwoForm.$valid)" value="next" /><fieldset class="input-group"><legend translate>Lower secondary studies</legend><em>Last obtained degree</em><input ng-model="application.LowerSecondaryStudies.degreeTitle" type="text" placeholder="Degree Title" name="moreLowerSecondaryStudies-degreetitle" id="lwsappdegreetitle" /><input ng-model="application.LowerSecondaryStudies.educationAuthority" type="text" placeholder="Education authority" name="moreLowerSecondaryStudies-educationauthority" id="lwsappeducationauthority" /><input ng-model="application.LowerSecondaryStudies.graduationYear" style="padding: 0.5278em; width: 100%;" type="number" min="1960" max="2015" value="2015" placeholder="Graduation year" name="moreLowerSecondaryStudiesgraduationyear" id="lwsappgraduationyear" /><div ng-show="steptwoForm.$submitted || steptwoForm.moreLowerSecondaryStudiesgraduationyear.$touched"><div class="error" ng-show="steptwoForm.moreLowerSecondaryStudiesgraduationyear.$error.number">Must be valid year.</div></div></fieldset><input type="submit" ng-click="previous()" value="previous" /><input type="submit" ng-click="next(steptwoForm.$valid)" value="next" /></form></div></div>

In my custom js file I have:

jQuery('#fileupload').fileupload({    dataType: 'json'});

In my controller (angularjs) I have:

$scope.options = {    maxFileSize: 5000000,    type: "POST",    acceptFileTypes: /(\.|\/)(gif|jpe?g|png)$/i};

As you can see I call the submit() function on Start upload, but that doesn't trigger anything. I'm also not getting any errors in my browser console. What am I missing?


I don't have a submission function in my controller.js . I thought this was standard added with jquery.fileupload-angular.js . They also didn't specify a submit function here in the example jQuery fileupload + angularjs.

The declaration of my module in app.js:

var app = angular.module('dxs-vkgroupApp', ['ngRoute', 'gettext']).config(function($routeProvider, $httpProvider, $locationProvider){    // send all requests payload as query string    $httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest = function(data){        if (data === undefined) {            return data;        }        return jQuery.param(data);    };    // set all post requests content type    $httpProvider.defaults.headers.post['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8';    // all routes    $routeProvider        .when('/edit.php/submissions/', {            templateUrl: viewsPath.views +'submissions.html',            controller: 'SubmissionOverviewController'        })        .when('/edit.php/submission/show/:fid/', {            templateUrl: viewsPath.views +'submission.html',            controller: 'ShowSubmissionController'        })        .when('/edit.php/submission/delete/:fid/', {            templateUrl: viewsPath.views +'delete-submission.html',            controller: 'DeleteSubmissionController'        })        .when('/wp-admin/', {            controller: 'RouteDeciderController',            template: '<div ng-include="getTemplateUrl()"></div>'        })        .when('/:l/submission/new/:jid', {            templateUrl: viewsPath.views +'new-submission.html',            controller: 'StepController'        })        .when('/:l/projects/', {            templateUrl: viewsPath.views +'projects.html',            controller: 'ProjectsOverviewController'        }).otherwise({            controller: 'RouteDeciderController',            template: '<div ng-include="getTemplateUrl()"></div>'        });    $locationProvider.html5Mode(true);}).run(function (gettextCatalog, $location) {    var curr_path = $location.path();    var result = curr_path.split("/");    var language = result[1];    gettextCatalog.setCurrentLanguage(language);    gettextCatalog.debug = true;});

In my controller.js I have amongst other things:

/** * Deals with advancing, going back or finishing the multi step form * * @param $scope * @param $http * @param $routeParams * @constructor */function StepController($scope, $http, $routeParams){    // inits    $scope.application = {};    $scope.application.children = [];    // counters    $scope.childCounter = 0;    $scope.moreLowerSecondaryStudiesCounter = 0;    $scope.moreHigherSecondaryStudiesCounter = 0;    $scope.moreHigherShortTermEducationCounter = 0;    $scope.moreHigherLongTermEducationCounter = 0;    $scope.moreAdditionalStudiesSpecialtyCounter = 0;    $scope.moreAdditionalStudiesThesisCounter = 0;    $scope.languageCounter = 0;    $scope.experienceCounter = 0;    // select options    $scope.languageOptions = ['--select--', 'very good', 'good', 'notions', 'no notion'];    // languages    // @todo make the default list dynamic instead of hardcoded (problem is, the variable expressions wont get accepted in the select attributes)    //$scope.languages = ['dutch', 'french', 'english', 'german'];    $scope.job_id = $routeParams.jid;    $scope.step = 1;    $scope.noneSelected = function (type) {        switch(type)        {            case 'appcontact':                    if(!$scope.application.contact){                        return true;                    }                    else                    {                        return !($scope.application.contact.relations || $scope.application.contact.employees || $scope.application.contact.jobad || $scope.application.contact.website || $scope.application.contact.other)                    }                break;            case 'appworklocation':                    if(!$scope.application.worklocation){                        return true;                    }                    else                    {                        return !($scope.application.worklocation.roeselare || $scope.application.worklocation.brussel || $scope.application.worklocation.merelbeke)                    }                break;        }    };    $scope.next = function($valid){        if(!$valid)        {            $scope.step = $scope.step;        }        else if($scope.step == 2)        {            $scope.inputgrouperror = false;            // special check for 6 input groups (input fields)            if(check())            {                $scope.step += 1;            }            else            {                $scope.inputgrouperror = true;                $scope.step = $scope.step;            }        }        else        {            $scope.step += 1;        }        window.scrollTo(0,0);    };    $scope.previous = function(){        $scope.step -= 1;        window.scrollTo(0,0);    };    $scope.finish = function($valid){        if(!$valid)        {            $scope.step = $scope.step;        }        else        {            $http.post('new-submission', { id: $scope.job_id, application: $scope.application })                .success(function(data, status, headers, config){                    window.location.href = data.redirect_url;                });        }    };}function check() {    var check = false;    jQuery.each(jQuery('fieldset.input-group'), function () { //loops through all fieldsets        if (!check) { //are there no fieldsets with  3 filled input elements then check is false so far            check = jQuery(this).find('input:text,[type^="number"]').filter(function () { //checks whether inputs are filled                return this.value != "";            }).length > 2; //If filled inputs > 2 -> check = true        }    });    return check;}angular.module('dxs-vkgroupApp')    .controller('StepController', StepController);

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